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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bubble Gum Paradox

He eats my heart, chews it, and spits it out..
Congratulation!! ^_^'

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hell Yeah

Muse Live at 2011 Grammy Awards
See at 1:31 minutes this video
hell yeaah!

Friday, February 18, 2011


 Gravity- Coldplay
...And then I looked up at the sky,
And saw the sun,
And the way that gravity turns on everyone...

 John Mayer- Gravity
...Oh I'll never know what makes this man
With all the love that his heart can stand
Dream of ways to throw it all away...

Sara Bareilles- Gravity
...But you're neither friend nor foe though ,I can't seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
You're on to me, on to me, and all over
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long...

Albert Einstein-Gravity
"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love" 

Film Kajian Psikologi

Diambil dari lounge salah satu komunitas terbesar para juragan di Indonesia(read: KASKUS)
Buat mahasiswa Psikologi or movie buff... 
check this out!!

Axis I Disorders
Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders
Copycat (panic/agoraphobia)
As good as it gets (OCD)
The touching tree (Childhood OCD)
Fourth of July (PTSD)
The Deer Hunter (PTSD)
Ordinary People (PTSD)
Bipolar Disorder/Mania
Mr. Jones
Seven Percent Solution
Captain Newman, MD
Sophieís Choice
Sheís So Lovely
Ordinary People
The Seventh Veil
The Shrike
Itís a Wonderful Life (Adjustment disorder)
The Wrong Man (Adjustment disorder)
Dissociative Disorders
The Three Faces of Eve
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Clean Shaven
Through a Glass Darkly
An Angel at my Table
Man Facing Southwest
Madness of King George (Psychosis due to Porphyria)
Conspiracy Theory

The Singing Detective
Substance Abuse
The Long Weekend (etoh)
The Days of Wine and Roses (etoh)
Barfly (etoh)
Basketball Diaries (opiates)
Kids (hallucinogens, rave scenes, etc.)
Loosing Isaiah (crack)
Reefer Madness
Under the Volcano
Long Day's Journey into Night
The Man with the Golden Arm (heroin)
A Hatful of Rain (heroin)
Synanon (drug treatment)
The Boost (cocaine)
The 7 Percent Solution (cocaine induced mania)
Iím Dancing as Fast as I can (substance induced organic mental disorder)

Eating Disorders

The Best Little Girl in the World (made for TV)-Anorexia
Kateís Secret (made for TV)-Bulemia

Axis II Disorders
Personality Pathology

Cluster A
Remains of the Day- Schizoid PD
Taxi Driver-Schizotypal PD
The Caine Mutiny- Paranoid PD
The Treasure of Sierra Madre -Paranoid PD

Cluster B

Borderline PD
Fatal Attraction
Play Misty for Me
After Hours
Looking for Mr. Goodbar

Cluster C
Zelig-Avoidant PD
Sophieís Choice-Dependent PD
The Odd Couple-OCPD

Histrionic PD
Bullets over Broadway
Gone with the Wind
A Streetcare Named Desire

All that Jazz
Stardust Memories
Jerry Maguire
American Gigolo
Citizen Kane
Lawrence of Arabia

Antisocial PD
A Clockwork Orange

Taxi Driver
Single White Female
The King of Comedy
Triumph of Will

Mental Retardation
Best Boy
Bill, On His Own

 Miscellaneous Issues
Ordinary People
The Field
Kramer vs Kramer
Diary of a Mad Housewife
Whoís Afraid of Virginia Woolfe
The Stone Boy
The Great Santini

Early Adult Issues
The Graduate
Spanking the Monkey

Latency and Adolescent Issues
Stand by Me
Smooth Talk

Doctor/Patient Relationship
The Doctor

Boundary Violations
The Prince of Tides
Mr. Jones
Idealized "Dr. Marvelous"

Suddenly Last Summer
The Snake Pit
Captain Newman, MD
The Three Faces of Eve
Ordinary People
Good Will Hunting